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Innovative blog writer with several years of experience working to create interesting, entertaining, and informative blog posts for my own personal website, as well as for the websites of clients. Adept at researching new topics, engaging audiences, and promoting ideas, knowledge, brands, and missions.


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How to focus when the world is throwing distractions all over the place.

If the world is throwing distractions at you left and right, it can be hard to concentrate on what's in front of you. But focusing is an important part of being a successful person, so how do we make sure we stay focused?

Here are some tips that can help:

  • Make a list of all the things that distract you from your work. For example: "Facebook," "spending time with friends," "checking email."
  • Write down one thing from the list that will help distract you less—for example, turning off notifications for social media apps or having one day each week where you don't check email.
  • When it comes time to work, only focus on one task at a time and try not to get distracted by anything else (even if it seems like something important).

When you're trying to focus on a task, it can feel like the world is throwing distractions at you from every direction. You have your phone buzzing, emails piling up in your inbox, and that pesky neighbor who likes to talk about politics when he sees you in the hallway.

But here's the thing: all of those distractions are actually opportunities for you to practice your ability to focus! And if you can learn how to do it well, then those distractions won't be so distracting anymore.

Let us explain: when your phone buzzes or an email comes in, what do you do? Do you get up and answer it right away? Or do you let it sit there until later? With practice, we can train ourselves to let go of these distractions—and even enjoy them for a moment before moving on with our day.

The next time a distraction comes along—like an email notification or a text from a friend—try letting yourself enjoy it for just a few seconds before getting back to work. You'll be surprised by how much more quickly time flies when we're not rushing around trying to check off our daily tasks as fast as possible!