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Tips Membagi Waktu antara Kuliah dan Kerja

Anda memiliki pekerjaan dan ingin menempuh perkuliahan ? atau anda seorang mahasiswa yang kini sedang bekerja di perusahaan tertentu ? tentunya banyak tantangan yang akan dihadapi seperti tugas kantor dan tugas kuliah yang harus dikerjakan secara ber...

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Tips Membagi Waktu antara Kuliah dan Kerja

Tips Membagi Waktu antara Kuliah dan Kerja .

Anda memiliki pekerjaan dan ingin menempuh perkuliahan ? atau anda seorang mahasiswa yang kini sedang bekerja di perusahaan tertentu ? tentunya banyak tantangan yang akan dihadapi seperti tugas kantor dan tugas kuliah yang harus dikerjakan secara bersama, atau berbagai macam masalah lainnya.

SMART Strategies for quality sleep

SMART Strategies for quality sleep.

Did you know that getting enough quality sleep is essential to your health? Sleep helps regulate hormone levels and growth, as well as helps your body repair itself. It also helps you focus and think clearly. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, but everyone's different. Some people need less than that, some more. If you're having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, it might be worth talking to a doctor about what's going on and how best to fix it.


John Martin


Money Management for the Average Investor: A blog with the right tips and tricks to build wealth.

Money Management for the Average Investor: A blog with the right tips and tricks to build wealth..

The average investor is a person who wants to build wealth, but doesn't know where to start. This person has read about the importance of money management, but they're not sure what steps to take or what resources to use.


John Martin


How to focus when the world is throwing distractions all over the place.

How to focus when the world is throwing distractions all over the place..

If the world is throwing distractions at you left and right, it can be hard to concentrate on what's in front of you. But focusing is an important part of being a successful person, so how do we make sure we stay focused?


John Martin


Learning To Love Yourself

Learning To Love Yourself.

It's not something you can just do in one day. You have to work at it every day, and keep working at it until it becomes a part of who you are. The first thing you have to do is accept the fact that no one else will love you as much as you love yourself—and that's okay! The fact that you're willing to put in the work to learn how to love yourself and make your life better is an amazing thing, and your friends and family will appreciate seeing how hard you're fighting for your happiness.


Ochi Baihaqqi


Cara membagi waktu dengan efektif

Cara membagi waktu dengan efektif.

Waktu adalah hal yang berharga, dan kita semua pasti tahu bahwa waktu kita adalah satu-satunya yang bisa kita miliki. Namun, bagaimana memanfaatkan waktu dengan efektif? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, anda harus tahu dulu apa itu cara membagi waktu dengan efektif. Cara membagi waktu dengan efektif adalah cara untuk mengatur waktu sehingga seseorang dapat melaksanakan sesuatu dengan baik dan efektif.


Ochi Baihaqqi


6 Ways to Make Happy With Live: A blog about ways to make your life happier.

6 Ways to Make Happy With Live: A blog about ways to make your life happier..

Be happy with live! We all spend a great deal of time in applications like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Sometimes it's for fun and sometimes it's to track down an old friend we haven't seen in years.


Ochi Baihaqqi


Headless UI v1.6, Tailwind UI team management, Tailwind Play improvements, and more

Headless UI v1.6, Tailwind UI team management, Tailwind Play improvements, and more.

A few weeks ago we released a new minor version of Headless UI, the unstyled UI library we built to make it possible to add React and Vue support to Tailwind UI. Check out the release notes for all of the details, but here are some of the highlights.


Ochi Baihaqqi
